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BeCare MS Link
BeCare Link LLC
The BeCare Link App supports the management of Multiple Sclerosisbycollating performance data we believe will be foundclinicallyequivalent to gold standard measurements of neurologicalandfunctional status collected by healthcare professionals.Todemonstrate this equivalence, BeCare is currently sponsoringalarge clinical trial that is being conducted in a majorhospitalsystem. The data that the BeCare MS Link App collects isintendedto be comparable to the functional data captured by theEDSS(Expanded Disability Status Scale). The Expanded DisabilityStatusScale (EDSS) is a method of quantifying disability inmultiplesclerosis and monitoring changes in the level of disabilityovertime. It is widely used in clinical trials and in theassessment ofpeople with MS and is widely accepted as a valid toolto clinicallymeasure and assess the level of functioning forindividualsdiagnosed with MS. In addition to storing functionaldata on themobile device, the BeCare Link App is also part oflarger processwhich permanently stores and analyzes this data inthe BeCare LinkCloud, through the utilization of machine learningalgorithms(MLA’s). MLA’s are implemented to produce an EDSS scorefor eachuser that is subject to fluctuation over time. BecauseBeCare Linkclinical researchers will be able to analyze data fromall users inan aggregate, quantitative process, study participantswill becontributing to future advancements of medical treatmentofMultiple Sclerosis. Each time participants connect to theBeCareLink App, a new session is established that can last severalhours.After the user completes a substantive number of tasksandactivities, a new EDSS score is generated for that session.ThisEDSS score provided by the clinical trial is compared toEDSSscores that have been previously calculated byhealthcareprofessionals and is then evaluated for accuracy. At anytime,BeCare Link app users can view an accumulative history oftheirperformance data in the Readings portion of the app, as wellas anyother information provided through their voluntaryparticipation,by navigating through the app. BeCare MS Link MobileApp The BeCareMS Link mobile app guides the participant to conducttasks andanswer status questions about their symptoms to deliverinformationtantamount to current gold standards used in clinicalstudies,applicable to further understanding of MS. Each activity onthe MSLink mobile app has a unique sequence of steps the usermustcomplete that correspond to standard functional teststypicallyperformed by clinicians during neurological assessments.Thesefunctions are accomplished through the use theaccelerometer,gyroscope and magnetic sensors in the participant’sphone thatdetermine when the person makes a tilting motion, takes astep,alters their position, or moves their arms. For example, theAppactivity initiated by selecting "Transcription Test" fromtheWellness Workout landing page measures Central AuditoryProcessing,or the ability to understand speech. Other activitiesmeasured bythe BeCare MS Link App include standard motor skillsthroughactivities such as walking (25 Steps, 6 Minute Walk),repetitivearm movements (Arm Elevation), or the TUG test, whichinvolvestransitioning from a seated position, to standing, walking,andthen returning to the starting point. For each of theactivitiesusers complete, the BeCare Link App saves datacorresponding toeach completed activity on the mobile device. Whenan internet orWIFI connection from the mobile device to the BeCareLink Cloudbecomes available, the BeCare Link App uploads anencryptedrepresentation of the data to the BeCare Link Cloud, wherethe datais classified by the MLAs to produce an EDSS score. TheEDSS scoresare kept available so that users can view theirhistoricalperformance and identify if any changes in theirperformancehistory are correlative to the progression of their MS.
BeCare MS Link 2.0.55
BeCare Link LLC
Quantitative home neuro exam
BeCare Neuro Link 1.0.8
BeCare Link LLC
Test neuro status from home